Can Berry Seeds Damage Teeth?

Berries are a nutritious food and a great sweet snack alternative to things like candy, so they must be all good for your teeth, right? Almost! Generally speaking, berries are far from the worst culprits on the list when it comes to what foods can damage your teeth, but they do have one matter of concern: their seeds. Read on to see how berry seeds can damage your teeth.

blueberries, raspberries and blackberries

Outside Erosion

The seeds of berries might be tiny but they’re mighty! It’s easy to overlook some leftover on your teeth after snacking on a handful of berries, but you want to be careful the next time you brush because you could be scrubbing those little seeds back and forth over your teeth. That act can add up to enamel erosion. You definitely don’t want to wear away your enamel if you can avoid it because it actually never grows back! Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Stuck In Between

The size of berry seeds plays another role in possibly damaging your teeth. It’s easy for those little guys to get stuck in between your teeth, and even though they’re small, they can still cause some discomfort being trapped there. More than that, though, is the fact that if they’re left hiding out there, they could contribute to the development of tooth decay and cavities. This is just one more reason why you should make it a habit to floss every day!

Eat with Caution!

We’re definitely not saying you should cut out berries completely to avoid all the possible issues with their seeds. We love berries ourselves. We’re just saying that you might want to be a little more cautious next time you enjoy some and take extra care when cleaning your teeth afterward so you can keep your smile healthy and happy. For more dental advice or recommendations for teeth-friendly foods to eat, call or email us at Hooks Family Dentistry in College Station!

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