Summertime Sweets That Are Good for Your Teeth

red apple with a bite out of it

Summer is here, which means it’s time for beach picnics and barbeques! It can be tempting to indulge in treats that aren’t so great for your teeth, but there are plenty of summertime foods that aren’t only delicious, but support healthy smiles. Here are some of the Hooks Family Dentistry staff’s favorite summertime sweets!


Watermelon is refreshing, juicy, and great for your teeth! Its high water content helps wick away bacteria from the surface of your teeth, and its high vitamin C content helps boost your immunity to ward off infections.


Crisp and delicious, apples are full of fiber that help keep your teeth clean and strong. There are different varieties of apples that are enjoyable during the summer, along with ones that are staples in the fall to keep healthy smiles sparkling year round!


Strawberries, blueberries, and blackberries are all great for your teeth because of their high fiber and vitamin content. Strawberries also contain malic acid, which can whiten your smile!


There’s nothing better than cold yogurt on a hot day! Mix sugar-free Greek yogurt with berries and you’ve got yourself a tooth-friendly treat that contains calcium and protein to keep your smile strong.

Crunchy veggies

We love to enjoy veggies and healthy dips, like hummus, throughout the summer! Carrots, celery, and radishes contain enough fiber to clean your teeth, not to mention contain vitamins and minerals that are wonderful for your overall health.

Comprehensive Dentistry in College Station, Texas

Are you due for a summertime dental checkup? We’d love to see you! Hooks Family Dentistry provides comprehensive, affordable dental care for the whole family, and we’d be honored to care for the smiles of yours! Our comfortable office is full of amenities to help you and your loved ones feel right at home in our care, and we use state-of-the-art technology to provide top-notch service.

Contact us to schedule your appointment today!

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